Monday, December 13, 2010

David Hockney Collage

This was the only assignment that required a digital camera. Our assignment was to take pictures of an object in pieces and then print them out on photographic paper. Then, we arranged them on a piece of mat board to create a collage. Pictures taken from different angles, perspectives and distances created interesting effects. I used the upright piano in my house as the subject of this collage. Unfortunately, we were having problems with the press that day so there are some spots on the collage where the paper in the press stuck to the pictures. It still turned out decently, though.

Friday, December 10, 2010

High Contrast

This roll required us to take pictures that create high contrast, such as areas with bright sunlight or direct light sources to create sharp and defined shadows. To make prints, we learned a new technique known as solarization which involve re-exposing the paper while it's still in the developer. This only works with pictures with high contrast.

These pictures, in my opinion, turned out to be the least interesting of any roll I've taken so far. I tried it with five different pictures, but none of the turned out quite as interesting as I originally expected.